Gibus Med Room, The Cadeby Inn, Doncaster.


The Cadeby Inn near Doncaster already boasted an incredible five Markilux Pergolas before Gordon and Ben invited us to create an outdoor restaurant area for his guests, one that would combine style and class with practicality.

With the addition of this latest Gibus Med Room, we can now consider this charming country Inn as our “Showroom in the North”, tongue fully in cheek of course, due to it’s range of Samson fitted products.

The Med Room offers a retractable roof which is impervious to heavy rainfall, and has in-built guttering, and transparent retractable vertical sides to maintain comfort levels on windy days.

As well as offering Al Fresco dining to customers throughout the year, we are told that this room has become home to the super car owners club, entertaining guests used to stylish and impressive surroundings.

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Gibus Med Room Gibus Med Room with integral lights

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