We Have A Number Of Sources Of Solutions Thant Should Prove Inspirational For You.
Recently fitted by Samson Awnings & Terrace Covers, these Markilux external window blinds were requested to provide sun shading on a large and uniquely shaped window on a domestic property. For this particular window we divided it into two blinds, a simple square blind at the bottom and a more unique triangular blind above.
The Markilux range of external fabric cassette blinds is incredibly diverse, and it includes the special Markilux 893 blind, designed for use on triangular windows.
The majority of blinds we sell utilise RTS technology, and similarly, this blind is electrically operated as standard. Because of this, the motor drive is able to be controlled wirelessly, and this gives the flexibility to add many different controls over and above the simple remote control handset. Timers, sun sensors, themostats and other controls all give the possibility of controlling both the light and temperature even when you are away from your property.
This blind is designed to fit externally, to prevent solar gain and also to provide additional privacy. External blinds are fast becoming a more popular product for temperature control in buildings across the UK, following the lead of our European neighbours.
Using an external blind provides an additional layer of sunlight control, protects against the wind, and also provides some additional security when using the zip blind system, with the fabric zipped in the side channels and pulled out of the cassette under tension. Many modern fabrics are incredibly resilient to all sorts of weather conditions, and there are also many options for perforated materials, which will allow some limited vision when closed too.
All of the blinds are purpose made to order, and provide an excellent solution to a lot of shading and wind protection issues.
For more on your options regarding shading for your properties windows, click here
For more on our vertical blind products, click here